Visible darning on a wrap-style sweater
My client had a favorite sweater, wrap style, which had developed many small holes.

Before: a hole in the sleeve.

Before: another hole

Before: a hole (through which you can see my darning egg).

Before: another hole
My client asked me to make the mends visible. I picked out a few color options based on what she'd told me she was looking for. Among these, she chose a lovely persimmon color, which works well because it's different enough that the mends are quite visible, but also is in keeping with the earthiness of the brown sweater. The holes were small, so I decided to darn the sweater rather than doing patches. Since the sweater was a very fine knit, I used just two strands of embroidery floss rather than yarn.

After: One of the darns (there were many, but this one has a particularly cool shape).

After: another darn





